Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I think Rosie is Mortyfied.

She was due on the 22nd and she looks like she's ready to calve any minute, so we've been making trips out to the dry cow pen every couple hours to check on her. Finally, last night, Glen decided we needed to bring her in so he could make sure everything was okay. We've never had a twisted uterus, but our last calving involved a heifer trying to push her calf out tail first. So, we always feel a little more comfortable knowing the cow's parts and the calf's parts all seem in order.

Rosie's exam showed nothing out of the ordinary, except that Glen couldn't feel the calf at all it was still sitting so deep inside her. Now, Rosie's a big cow, but usually Glen can tap a calf on the head when the cow is this close to calving.

I told him, that since Rosie's bred to Morty, we really shouldn't be too concerned until she's at least a week overdue. Plus, since she hadn't calved at this time it was most likely a bull calf anyway. None of our Morty (Semex's Stouder Morty – 200HO0044) bull calves, which have all come out huge, have come earlier than a week past their due date. The Morty heifer calves come a week early or, at the latest, on their due date.

So, we're wondering, are other dairies seeing this trend with Morty calves? Are all Morty bull calves big and overdue? What about the heifer calves? Hopefully, Rosie's Mortyfication ends before we have any answers to our questions.

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