Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's silage time!

Here we are chopping corn again. I can't believe it's already that time of year. Glen brought samples in to the DHIA lab on Thursday to check moisture levels. One of the fields came back at 62 percent moisture. After a brief visit with the neighbors who chop our corn and a couple phone calls, arrangements were made to chop yesterday. It's amazing how quickly the plans for a quiet Friday turned into non-stop tractor traffic and the constant whir of the blower. I feel bad for Glen because he really wasn't ready to chop yesterday. He's been helping at the neighbor's all week, so he's been running constantly and was hoping for a couple days' rest before chopping. He also likes to have the silo unloader raised, the boxes lined up and an extra tractor reserved for hauling well before the chopping starts — none of which were taken care of before yesterday morning. It all came together, though. The unloader went up, the boxes rolled in and his dad and brother arrived to help — and everything was in place by the time the first load came in. Glen's uncle came to look at a concrete project for us and, instead, spent the day hauling loads. I don't think it's how he expected to spend the day, but I bet he had fun. I think they all did. Those smiling, dusty faces reflect the excitement and pride of a successful harvest.

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