Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy World Milk Day!

I didn't know it at the beginning of the day, but today is World Milk Day. Our loan officer from the credit union dropped off some neat T-shirts with a Holstein-spotted globe on the back that say, "Our world is black and white." Around here, there's a little red and brown sprinkled in, too, but our world definitely revolves around our cows.

Even our kids' world is centered around cows. The picture above is from this afternoon. Dan loves to help bring the cows in from the pasture, during which he plays this little game with the cow paths. "This path is mine," he says as he runs down a path. "You go on that path." And then he switches paths and insists I switch, too. When we get to a spot where the cows have forged three paths, he stops and asks, "Which path is mine?" After deciding, he takes off again, yelling over his shoulder to tell me which path to take.

It will be interesting to see how his upbringing with dairy cattle shapes the paths he takes in life.

How do I look?
One of Dan's other new sayings is "How do I look, Mom?", which he usually chirps after I help him get his barn clothes on.

"Great," I tell him.

I'd like to know what you think of our blog's new look. We've been working on this change behind the scenes for a little while now, and I figured today would be the perfect day to introduce the new format (even before I knew it was World Milk Day). We're excited about the new format for a couple reasons: it will be easier to add photos to posts, it will be easier to find and read previous posts, and it will be easier for readers to comment. So, take a moment and let us know what you think. (Just click on the comments link below to go to the comments form.)

Then go drink a big glass of milk in celebration of World Milk Day!


  1. Looks great Sadie! Love the picture of Dan - look forward to following you on your new format!

  2. I think this new format will be great!Congratulations on your good neighbor award! Keep up the good work! Loved the comment about wearing long johns until July. My dad did the same thing. It sure was hard to find those woodticks though!!

  3. I like the new format, and love the "which path is mine" game! Give the kids a hug!
    Your milk drinkin' Mom


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