Friday, June 11, 2010

Here, there, and everywhere

Our days, weeks, and months are always busy, but these first couple weeks of June have been extraordinarily busy.

For me, the month started with preparations for the Stearns County Breakfast on the Farm and then the event itself. The Gregory family of Kimball hosted this year's Breakfast on the Farm, which was held Saturday, June 5. We had a great turnout — over 1200 people attended the Breakfast — and everyone involved had a great time. 

I got home from the Breakfast and finished packing our bags for our next engagement — a trip to Washington, D.C. for our Young Cooperators Dairy Policy and Legislative Forum. We learned how to lobby our Congress members, toured the monuments of the D.C. area, and connected with our fellow young producers from across the country.

It's always nice to get away for a little while, but I was sure glad to come home. I missed Dan and Monika and the farm. And my feet missed my barn boots — I blistered both of my feet walking around in high heels for three days. 

I didn't spend very much time in my barn boots, though. The kids and I are taking off for my sister's today. Our niece turns two this week, so we're celebrating her birthday tomorrow. As excited as I am to see my family, I'm glad we don't have anything planned for next week.

I'll try to post some pictures from our adventures when I get back.

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