Saturday, January 29, 2011

A computer named Monkey

I'm typing this post from a new-to-us used computer. My old computer died. Literally. The widespread power outage in Melrose two weeks ago damaged the power supply on my computer so severely that the computer wouldn't even attempt to start up.

My computer doctor said there really wasn't any chance of reviving my computer and gently told me I should look for a new one.

That was the bad news. The good news, he said, was that none of my data was damaged and he would be able to transfer it to a new computer without any problem.

We hadn't exactly budgeted for a new computer, even at a used price.

Well, about that same time, the decision was made to sell Monkey. During milking one morning, she had kicked Glen so hard that he chipped a tooth. (By the way, thanks to all of you who emailed or posted suggestions for taming Monkey. I think she was just a lost cause.)

"Enough is enough," he said.

When the check came from the sale barn, Glen said, "Well, we just traded Monkey for a computer."

A good trade, I must say.

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