Tuesday, March 8, 2011

You couldn't pay me to do that!

When we got back from Reno last fall, we found shingles from the barn roof all over the yard. Apparently, we missed one heck of a wind storm.

We called the damage in and the adjuster came out the next day. He agreed that we needed to repair the roof, especially since the barn was in such good shape. Our barn was built in 1981, so it's relatively young.

We hoped to have steel put on the roof right away last fall, but by the time we were done getting bids and finalizing the claim, we were the third barn on the carpenter's list of barn roofs to do.

We figured we'd have to wait until spring, but the recent warm spell cleared the snow off the roof and gave the carpenter a window of opportunity to put the steel on now.

He spent a couple days prepping the site and the roof and marking the steel. The first piece of steel went up last Friday. They (the carpenter and his son) finished by noon on Saturday.

It was pretty amazing to watch the process. You couldn't pay me to climb up onto a round barn roof and man-handle sheets of steel the way our carpenter was.

It's even more amazing to see how nice it looks now that both halves of the barn roof have steel on them. (I would have taken a picture of the finished roof, but it's once again covered in snow!)

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