Thursday, February 20, 2014

Why do you read my blog?

I was recently contacted by a gal named Kate Gracey. Kate is a graduate student from Texas Tech University. She's working on a research paper on agricultural blogs and wanted to know if I could help by inviting my readers to participate in a survey. I agreed.

Below is a letter from Kate with the link to the online survey. Please note the survey is voluntary and all responses will be kept confidential. Just so you know, Kate will also share an overview of my readers' responses with me after the surveys are all collected. Of course, I'm always interested in knowing why you read my blog; you can let me know anytime by posting a comment below. ☺

Thanks for helping Kate out!

Dear participant:

We would like to find out more about what factors motivate people to access agricultural blogs. There are no right or wrong answers to the questions, just what you think.

This survey will take about 15 minutes of your time, and we will use the results for a research study. We will not be able to identify you individually. If you would prefer not to answer a question, please leave it blank. Participation is voluntary and you can stop at any time.

The survey can be found here:

If you have any questions about this study, please contact Kate Gracey and/or Dr. Courtney Meyers at (806) 742-2816 or by email at or Thank you for helping us with this research.

Kate Gracey, Graduate Student
Agricultural Communications, Texas Tech University
Courtney Meyers, Assistant Professor
Agricultural Communications, Texas Tech University

1 comment:

  1. We got to know about your blog through the Dairy Star website that we read about in the Patz newsletter. We enjoy reading your blog since we have many things in common. In Canada we hear how inefficient and small we are compared to US farms. We're roughly have the same sized herd, have a young family, and have the same struggles and joys that you share on your blog. Keep up the good work.


Thanks for commenting! I appreciate feedback of all types.